Virtual Boy is Love

I am 14 now.
Meeting Virtual Boy was a life changing experience for me.
My dad made us move to Mexico.
He forbids me to play Nintendo products.
"But dad! It's isn't even on sale anymore"
"Lol moron learn grammer"
My dad let me go to pawn shop for the day.
I find a electronics section.
I find Virtual Boy!
I ask the clerk how much for it.
He says "it's free, sonny"
I realize it is a fake.
I walk out the door sad.
The clerk stops me.
He says "I'm here"
The clerk rips off his clothes and is Virtual Boy.
I cry and shit my pants in happiness.
He picks me up and throws me in a dumpster.
He sticks his controller all the way up my asshole.
It hurts a lot but it's for Virtual Boy.
My dad sees us.
Virtual Boy jumps up and climbs up a pole out of the alley.
3 days later, I shit his controller out onto the floor.
I pick it up and lick it.
Virtual boy is Life.
Virtual boy is love.